Friday 12 August 2011

Flensburger fiord and the mouth of the Schlei.

The decision is now for saturday morning what ever the weather...Looks to be halfway decent anyway. I might just get to see the full moon and the meteorites from my cockpit yet !

 I was sent this pic a few minutes ago from a friend who lives near the mooring. I was there myself on tuesday and the water level was low, now it is 50cm higher than normal. this is due to the prevailing wind pushing the water back and forth in the fiord..Toy Box is after just 3 months in the water looking grubby. I think a swim (weather permitting) with a sponge/brush is called for this weekend.


  1. Does the water being so flat mean there is no wind to sail her by?

  2. The Jetty is sheltered on 3 sides, I did not take the pic myself, but it looks asif there was no wind at the time.
