Thursday 12 July 2012 sun day

Waves were sloping over the deck in the morning as the wind had gone all the way around to west leaving me open to the force of  the wind and waves.. The anchor held well and I was not too worried the wind was going to die down later.. So I was led to believe..I spent the day reading and planning what I was going to do for the rest of the week ahead..Wondering where it would take me.
Time flew by and I was still sitting there awaiting the wind to abate.. the Anchor alarm (depth sounder) told me that I was dragging the anchor towards the shore. Decision made I was going to weigh anchor and motor around to the harbor itself and take shelter there.. I should perhaps have gone sooner the waves by this time were reaching over 1 meter in height.. I went forward and dropped the anchor ball and started to raise the anchor, the wind was strong and tore the ball away from hands as I tried to secure it.. Bugger another 10er gone..The anchor was really deep.. how come my alarm went off.. I was not thinking straight and simply raised and stowed it quickly before getting back into the cockpit.. I was knocked of my feet by one wave and felt rather small in all this power of nature.20 minutes later I was safely at a mooring having given all the big boats a bit of a shock seeing me coming in..Toy Box being so small in comparison.

Oh well I learnt a lesson can be too late..if you think about it do it ..or it may be too late..! I will admit to scaring myself a tadge..we all learn from our mistakes next time I will be more careful. It was late and I was now tired and simply wanted to use the loo and go to bed.!!

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